Thursday, September 18, 2008

Your College Picks With Dippy And Fox

As Sarah Palin continues her beauty contest tour of complete hypocrisy and drivel, Dippy and I are pondering the financial markets.  We are thinking of cashing our 401K's in and investing in any company based out of Cuba.  We think that will be a more sound investment that putting our money into AIG and any long standing brokerage firm.  Equally as sound is making college football picks because it is clearly obvious that neither one of us know what we are talking about.  However, neither is any candidate running in the Presidential election.  At least we're trying.

Mississippi State at Georgia Tech  (-8)
Fox:  Let's just admit that we don't know anything about these two teams.  Why are we even picking this game.  It's like picking whether or not a dog will cross the road or not.  
Dippy:  Or a alcoholic chicken.
Fox:  You know all about that.  More than me.  I have a natural dislike for Georgia Tech that has dated back thirty years now.  I never think they are any good.  They barely lost at Virginia Tech last weekend and I am not sure what that even tells us.  This line simply is too high.  Mississippi State is better than an eight point underdog even if it's on the road.   I am taking Mississippi State.
Dippy:  Don't you know anything?  I mean you think Sarah Palin is a fraud.  You think that John McCain has had too many botox injections.   You think that the markets are unsound.   You keep crying wolf about Skylab like it's going to fall out of the sky or something.
Fox:  It did.  About thirty years ago.
Dippy: Well, you know what I am talking about.  You are a silly crazy person with a chip on his shoulder.  Get over yourself.  Take Georgia Tech.

Virginia Tech at North Carolina (-3)
Dippy:  Ehh...
Fox:  OK, I'll start this one.  You're busy with your pet razor.  North Carolina looked impressive against Rutgers.  They were throwing the ball all over the place.  They ran all over them.  However, it was Rutgers and they are on a downhill spiral.  Virginia Tech rebounded against Georgia Tech, but they are in a rebuilding mode.  They are playing a great deal of young guys who have talent, but lack overall experience.  Tech will be better as the year goes, but they are out of sorts right now.  I do not think that the Tar Heels will have two big games in a row on the road.  They are not as good as Virginia Tech and they will lose by more than a field goal.
Dippy:  Did you see Tina Fey play Sarah Palin on "Saturday Night Live" last weekend.  It was, as you say, classic.  She got it right on.  It made me want to nail Sarah Palin.  
Fox:  You are sicker than I thought.
Dippy:  Palin is hot, man.  Those glasses she wears.  I mean...I'd like to rip them off her face and...
Fox:  No, no, no...we're not going there buddy.  Send it to Penthouse.  Not here.  What about the Tar Heels and Hokies game?  You have got to pick something.  Anyways, Sarah Palin is a complete phony.  She says that she is like the rest of us.  She says that she is a conservative.  She is neither.   Her state is the highest tax state in the country per capita.  Her state is the highest spender per capita than any state in the country.  She lobbied the feds to get tons of money earmarked to her state on pet projects that we complete pork barrel projects.  How does that make her a fiscal conservative?   Sarah Palin is a beauty queen, a politician, and a rich woman and don't think she doesn't have money to burn probably mainly kick backs from oil companies that have been allowed to destroy her state, don't let her "small town" presentation fool you.  That does not make her like us.  Not everyone is a beauty queen.  Not everyone can be a cut throat politico.  Definitely, not everyone is rich.  She says all this crap about being a hockey mom.  That's great.  Does she now, as governor of Alaska, still drive around being a "hockey mom"?  Probably not.  She may have done that years and years ago, but she is not that now.  Simply put, she is not truthful.  She tries to come off as being "real" and "genuine" but she is none of those things.   Her state gives everyone $2,000 a year as a result of the oil industry?  That's not fiscally responsible or conservative.  
Dippy:  Whow...pal.  Isn't this a football pick blog entry?  Speaking of football picks I think that North Carolina is under-rated.  They have had a lot of down years in Chapel Hill, but it all changes this weekend as they put football back on the map at UNC by knocking off Tech in Blacksburg.   

Florida at Tennessee  (+7.5)
Fox:  I am not done with Sarah Palin.  I know, Dippy, that you think she is hot, which makes you extremely disturbed.  It makes sense that you would be attracted to her.  You are so into the swinger thing at that hotel you work for.  I am not done.  I am just piling up evidence on how much a fraud she is.  I'll write an entry about it.  Just wait.  Once I get all of my evidence together I'm ending this story by running her into the wall.
Dippy:  Isn't that last line from a Geico chimerical?  Anyways, Florida is the team in the SEC East that nobody is talking much about.  Everybody is focused on the Georgia Bulldogs and their run towards a possible national title shot.  Meanwhile, Florida has simply reloaded and still has their top quarterback, running back, and wide receiver on offense.  They have a huge chip on their shoulder for having a down year last year.  They are #4 right behind Georgia and they have played better than Georgia all year.  They will wipe the floor with Tennessee even though the game is in Knoxville.
Fox:  I have to say that you are right about Florida.  They have been impressive all year.  They have had those style points that Georgia has lacked.  This is their first SEC test, in Knoxsvillle, but I am sure that Urban Meyer is telling his team that they aren't getting enough respect.  That no one thinks they are as good as Georgia and on and on.  They want so badly to do better than last year.  This game in Tennessee will be a showcase for them to show everyone that they are a very very good team.  Take Florida.

LSU at Auburn (+2.5)
Fox:  You know.  I can't let go of this Sarah Palin thing.  I just can not believe that people are being so snowed by her.  Doesn't anyone see out there that she is a fake.  That she is not what she is making herself out to be?  She is a former beauty queen.  They are trained to act like someone they are not.  Add the fact that she is a politician and it's a hundred times worse.  I guess I have to save the rest for another post, but just listening to her pisses me off.  This is going to be an interesting game.  This will be a huge test for both teams.  I am worried that Auburn doesn't have an offense.  They won their last game 3-2 in a game they should have won by two touchdowns.  They have a stellar defense that will keep matters close.  However, LSU is really that good.  They are the better team overall.  They will win by at least three points even though they will be at Auburn.  I just don't think they're going to score enough against the Tigers defense.
Dippy:  I am sorry that you are so against Sarah Palin.  I think she's hot with those glasses.  Her voice makes her hotter.  Really.  It does.  
Fox:  Well, wear a rubber next time.
Dippy:  I'll try.  So in this game I believe in the opposite.  I am not sold on LSU.  I think that they are over-rated.  I don't believe that their offense has enough weapons on the field.  Their defense is not as strong as last year.  I think that Auburn will win this game, at home, in a close game.   I am taking Auburn.

Georgia at Arizona State (-7)
Fox:  Georgia slipped another slot in the polls even though they avenged last years loss to South Carolina by a touchdown in South Carolina.   This might be the last "easy" game they will have until they hit Georgia Tech at the end of the regular season.  Georgia is trying to get their wheels rolling.  They have a lot to prove on Saturday night in front of a large cable audience.  They are getting tired of the snubs.  They will get some style points against an over-rated ASU team.  Take Georgia by at least the same number of points as Sarah Palin's dress size.
Dippy:  Palin's dress size?  What are saying?  That her dress size is higher than seven?  That's pretty low.  Don't go down to the lowest denominator with jumping on her weight.  Stick to the issues.  
Fox:  That is the whole point.  No one is looking at Palin's issues.  They are not looking at what she really stands for.  Does she stand for her economic record in Alaska?  Or does she subscribe to McCain's message that is as clear as the fluid in Britney Spear's augmented breasts?  That is my whole point.  Look at what she stands for.  Look at what she has done not what she is saying she will do.  Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.  Simple as that.  
Dippy:  Well, we have to finish this post before we get nailed by the Secret Service.  This is Georgia's moment.  They have an Arizona State team that is completely over-rated.  No one ranked legitimately in the Top 20 should lose to UNLV under any circumstances.  Ever.  Georgia will kill them.  Take the Dawgs.

Last week:   4-5-1
Overall:        9-9-2

Last week:    7-2-1
Overall:        10-8-2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Umm, the Tech-UNC game is in Chapel Hill. And only you can connect Sarah Palin and Virginia Tech! Thanks.