Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ladies And Gentlemen Of The Jury: The Case Against Sarah Palin

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'd like to begin my opening statements in this case.  This case is all about the issues.  It is all about promises.  Promises made to a party.  To a nation. Promises that either have already been broken and promises that have no chance of coming true.  Why? Because the defendant in this case, GOP Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin has no intentions to keep them.  She has no intention to keep these promises because it is not in her nature to do so.  In fact, it is impossible in this case for her to do so.  She is being forced to attempt to adopt and parrot the GOP line.  She has put herself out to the public as a regular Jane.  A regular mom.  A hockey mom, in fact.  She and her running mate, John McCain, have advertised themselves as "mavericks" ready to go out into the world and change the system.  To change Washington, DC politics.  They state they are against special interests when in fact the people that are running their campaign are big business lobbyists of the highest caliber.  The defendant claims that she is a fiscal conservative.  However, the population of the state of Alaska where she is the governor has the highest state income tax burden per capita of any state in the country.   The state of Alaska spends more per person than any other state in the country.  This does not sound like fiscal conservatism.   She says she is against pork barrel projects, yet she has lobbied Washington, the very place she wants to "reform", for multiple pork projects that have literally in some cases gone "nowhere."  Her record for fiscal reform and limiting government spending is sketchy to say the least.  Her state is virtually controlled by the oil industry.  Citizens of Alaska get kick backs from the oil companies as hush money so that they will not complain that some of their tactics might be harmful to the environment.  All thanks to the defendant who has either supported these policies or looked the other way.  The defendant's coming party at the GOP convention provided us with a sample of her stated platform.  The below CNN segment provides evidence of where her stated platform at the GOP convention differs or is similar to the facts of the case--her actions while in office:  

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not about the defendant's family.  It's not about her daughter's pregnancy.  Those are off limits, even for me.  This is about her contradictions.  It is about what she says and does that is a snow job.  It's fraudulent.  It is simply a smokescreen thrown on the public.   So much so that it is insulting to anyone with a critical brain that looks beyond the smokescreen.

The defendant has continued to try to pound home the idea of change.  That she and her running mate will bring "real" change.  I present to you that I will prove that there is no such change coming under their administration.  In fact, it will more of the same.  The same ideas, rules, special interests, back pocket deals, and lobbying for the elite that got this country into a war it should have never started and a financial crisis that it should have seen coming.  Note the clip of Gov. Palin's interview below:

Listening to the defendant speak, it isn't the language of change.  It is the language of more of the same.  The language of a third Bush term just with different people behind the desk.  The defendant, if she were put in the vice presidential slot, one heartbeat away from the Oval Office, would give us the same litany of broken down policies and empty promises that we have seen in the last eight years.  Ladies and gentlemen, I will provide beyond a reasonable doubt that Sarah Palin is a fraud to her own political party and logically a fraud to the people.  She is the image of style over substance.  There is "style" if one could call it that, but when the evidence, the substance is presented it contradicts itself and the image of the defendant to such a degree that you will have no other reasonable choice but to find the defendant--guilty as charged.

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