Sunday, September 28, 2008

We Have Too Much Time On Our Hands #1

Every week or so I will be providing some videos to the masses just to fill in time and prove that I and whoever put these videos together have absolutely way too much time on their hands. Or they aren't getting laid. Or both.

Proof in point is this video that appears to be sort of quite clever. Then again, whoever spent the time to put this together either has some sort of sexual fetish for Star Wars or is totally bored. Or drinking way too much Pepsi.

Then there is this video that is set to some bad techno music and shows us the demolition derby that is Moscow traffic. In this case from a major tunnel in the city. Again, this person who uploaded this video was probably drinking way too much vodka and playing old Tatu CDs.

Then there is this gem. I can not decide whether or not this is actually funny or really just very stupid. This proves that as a country we have completely jumped the shark. The folks who put this thing together spent the last five days snorting meth off a hunting knife while driving an old Yugo to Mexico. If you check their record you'll find numerous arrests for public intoxication and crimes against nature.

I could not have a video segment without taking another shot against Sarah Palin. I have tried to listen to one of her speeches and I can't get through any one of them without wanting to shoot myself in the knee cap and poor vodka on the wound. Her statements are full of either absurd falsehoods, patronizing drivel, inane stupidity, and over used cliches. She is the biggest and most flagrant example of everything that is wrong with politics right now. Fake, condescending, and shrill. My twelve year old daughter can see through Palin's veneer of competency and legitimacy. She exclaimed in the car driving to get Chinese food that Palin was a "gimmick." Fact of the matter is that with every word she speaks she proves how much of a gimmicky figure head she is who was only put on the ticket to manipulate and con people into thinking that McCain was progressive. Anyone who believes that this Palin character is legitimate should move to North Korea. So for giggles I added this last video. Enjoy!!

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