I have heard from a lot of people on both sides of the fence in the last few days regarding my recent posts that have resembled part confessional, part therapeutic, part trash, and part insane. Like Manhunter or House, M.D. insane. I had someone exclaim to me that "they have therapists for that" in regards to my recent blogs. It is clear that an outsider (or even an insider) would look at these recent blog entries and state clearly that I am turning into a complete train wreck or a dumpster fire. In my own defense, I have decided back on New Year's that I would become more brutally honest and not back down from controversy. It took me several months and a medical crisis later, but I have reached that goal. I'm not perfect. I get the urge to avoid rocking the boat greater than a heroin addict craves the needle (or Dippy the Pirate Bear craves water...more on this later). I slip and try to avoid the chaos in the moment by doing things only to put it off later. Though I am progressing through this major lifestyle change it comes off as being off center for me. Though I imagine that most people would find using this forum to use as a confessional regarding my derailing personal life a bit over the top. However, I am delivering what I am promised...brutal and uncensored honesty.
Speaking of House, MD, which is one of the very few shows that I will actually watch on TV with great interest. I admit like many people I am a huge fan of the show. I'll also admit that I wish I was more like House. As I think about it, I imagine that many people would also love to have the filters removed from their brain that keeps them for saying what they really mean. I certainly would. On House, it's pure drama (though the penchant for having someone code right at the fifteen minute mark is waaaayyyy too predictable) and I am fascinated by puzzles and complex character studies. Yes, I am a moron. Or am I?
Tonight's episode probably was one of the best episodes that I have seen this season and definitely set the stage for a cliffhanger of the end of the season. I have to say that people like particular shows that feature people who they wish they could be or remind them of themselves. A character that fits this profile for me is the Gil Grissom character on CSI. I'll let you all mull on that for awhile. Those of you who truly know me will make the connection easily (if they are familiar with CSI, that is.)
One of the most memorable imprints of the blur that was the Virginia Beach conference was a door at the elevator on the first floor of the hotel we stayed in. The door led to the beach access at the back of the hotel and it featured an advertisement for "Dippy the Pirate Bear." This led me to go in all sorts of directions. So I imagine that this is a mascot for the hotel and the kids staying on the beach. I also imagined a strung out emo guy from the local high school in a pirate bear outfit in 100 degree weather on the beach entertaining the kids. This image seemed so ridiculous and is bound to cause the following exchanges between the kids and their parents:
Kid: Mommy, Dippy just fell and he's not breathing. What's wrong?
Kid: Daddy, Dippy is stumbling around and asking for water. He's scaring me.
Kid: Mom, why is Dippy whipping out his wee-wee?
Kid: Mommy, why is Dippy smell like Daddy's juice?
Kid: Daddy, why is Dippy floating on a surfboard? What's wrong???
Kid: Daddy, why is Dippy on fire???
This has to be one of the worst jobs ever.
Now for your favorite Zito-Jones update:
Barry took a little break from his harsh duties getting lit up as a starting pitcher in San Francisco and making $14 million a year. He rested in the bullpen for over a week a got no game action. He went back into the starting rotation (mainly because the Giants needed a warm body) on 5/7 in Pittsburgh and gave up only two earned runs in five innings. He managed to strike out five batters. But, let's not forget that he was pitching against the Pirates. I am hoping that the Giants keep trotting him out there as he is on pace to go 0-30.
W-L: 0-7 ERA: 6.95 SO: 16 WHIP: 1.87
Andruw went an improved 3 for 14 this week. That is a stellar Ted Williams-like .214 clip. Again, no homers. One big RBI. Torre continues to roll him out there even though he is jumping over the plate like someone jumping on a grenade every time a Class A pitcher throws a curve ball.
AVG.: .170 HR: 1 RBI: 5 OBP: .277
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