I am still in the midst of a Mountain Dew hang over from last night's celebration of the Hawks keeping their season alive and giving Mike Woodson one more game to coach before his bosses ax him for leading the team to the play-offs. They did it last fall to the Thrashers coach after he led them to their first ever play-off appearance. At least in that case Bob Hartley was actually on speaking terms with the GM. With Coach Baldy it's a different matter.
However, enough about the Hawks.
People have asked for another Family Cold War (that turned hot) update for this week. As it stands today, we in the Fox4NX household are only at about a DefCon 3. That level was reduced from 2 (1 is full-out war) today. It is a fragile peace. Earlier in the week, the superpowers in the home realized (what a shock!) that their world had some significant environmental issues. Russia (my ex) continued to lay out vast amounts of propaganda in order to prove her point that the U.S. (me) was unresponsive, uncaring, emotionally bankrupt, and had stolen all the toilet paper. Again, as with most of Russia's propaganda it took the form of old baggage from several days and weeks ago that she decided that now was the time to unleash it on an unsuspecting world. The U.S. admits that, at times, he is emotionally bankrupt and unresponsive. It is the same song and dance (the waltz at quarter speed) that has been going on since the Treaty of Virginia was enacted in 2002. It was this treaty that led to the current uneasy alliance. However, neither side in each other's opinions has lived up to all the points in that treaty. Thus, the two superpowers are where they are now. In a cyclical blame game of unmet wishes and mandates. The other side wishes not to live up to their end of the deal as long as the other does not in return live up to theirs. So, all the tanks and missiles are lined up across the borders. The current peace of today is as uneasy and fragile as Jennifer Aniston and TomKat.
North Korea (played extremely well by our 12 year old daughter) has ratcheted down it's propaganda in return for favors. After attacking nearly everyone over the previous weekend, Kim Jong Il has decided for the time being that it is not worth it to piss everyone else off. The U.S. denied several requests by North Korea to lift sanctions citing that Kim Jong was only being nice now in order to get what (s)he wanted. So far, very few sanctions have been lifted against North Korea and it is only a matter of time where there will be a RPG battle with Russia over PopTarts and Fanta. The U.S. has decided that in an effort to avoid another full out nuclear attack that he will stay out of any battle involving Russia and North Korea. The U.S. further states that if the czarina of Russia requests aid during a battle over anything involving more than food rations and soda trafficking that it will provide assistance.
FAMILY DEFCON LEVEL: 3 (medium salsa)
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