It has been quite awhile since I last posted and an awful lot has happened in that time span. Recently, I have had people coming to me stating that they had checked this blog to see if anything has been posted only to be disappointed by having to view stupid videos made by people who have too much time on their hands. Like who really has time to super impose Star Wars warships onto the streets of San Francisco? Then I had to ask what the hell is wrong with me that I would looking for such a dumb video? Then I thought...I am wasting too much time on this blog. I was missing out on sporting events, sex, booze, work, and living with a North Korean dictator. I started to also have doubts that I know what I am doing. My football picks are terrible. I went 37% on pro football picks last weekend. My cat can do better than 37% by merely taking a leak on the helmet of one of teams playing the game. So I doubted that my picks and thus my knowledge of sports was badly suspect and that I was not a good enough writer to make this piece of shit blog interesting. So I went on a hiatus in order to figure out what to do next. There were several days that I thought that I would log-in and shut the site down. There were other days that I was going to state that this thing was going to be shut down because Dippy was killed in a biker bar outside of Portsmouth. By the way, Dippy was indicted on federal drug charges for running a drug ring through the pool locker room at the Virginia Beach Wyndham hotel. However, there were many people who came to me asking when I would return including the individual that calls himself Kidnapper #47 who kidnapped and drugged up Dippy a few months back because I was turning into a sports fan hypocrite.
Other things that have occurred in the last three weeks:
1. I went to Minnesota for four days, partied excessively, ate excessively, listened to everyone who talked like Sarah
Palin, partied more excessively, and spent most of the week saying "
2. The economy is in the toaster and it's stuck there turning black as the thing won't pop up again. The stock market is about to turn into the biggest looting grab bag for our
oligarchs in two decades. Trust me when I say that the rich will get
enormously richer in the midst of massive lay-offs and lost lives. It's also strange that the cost of everything else is creeping up slowly right now except for the cost of gas which is falling...right before the elections.
3. The Falcons are 4-2 going into the bye week. People are ragging on me for not believing in my team. Sure I have picked against them six times in a row. How is that believing in my team. Matt Ryan is playing out of his mind and over
everyones expectations in his first six games. Of course, I pleaded with porn star Arthur Blank to not draft him in favor of Dorsey. And where is Dorsey now? I have no clue.
This proves I probably should not be let out of the house ever. Not even to buy food for the North Korean dictator living at my house.
4. I went to my high school homecoming weekend (yes, I am a loser) for the eighth straight year and ran into a friend of mine that I have not seen in over ten years. One of his first words to me: "I check for your blog from time to time."
5. The same weekend that my significant other and I were at the homecoming weekend she was dreadfully sick and kept us up all night every night...for all the wrong reasons.
6. I found a wonderful set of beers from a brewery out of all places Fredrick, Maryland called Thirsty Dog. They have a lager, a stout and several other genres. All extremely good. Try the Imperial Stout that is the most bitter stout I have ever had and packs the biggest punch of any beer I have ever had. By the way, the stout is 8.9% alcohol. Try out their website:
thirstydog.com7. The election is almost over. Thank God. Either way it turns out I am happy that it is almost over. I do not believe that McCain will win. The most reliable projections that I have seen shows Obama winning the electoral vote fairly easily. I do not know if he is indeed the best person for the job. I have no idea how well he will do in the Oval Office, but I have to say that Obama is better than the alternative. The alternative is a third Bush term and a vice president who is also likely going to be pretty loose with a gun and is being called the possible new face of the GOP. That would be great...if the GOP wants to resemble the trailer park association of western North Dakota.
8. I have been approached with multiple new professional opportunities that I am strongly considering. Obviously, none of these people have ever read this blog.
So I feel like I have just got of prison after several years and the whole world has changed. Instead of that old guy in Shawshank Redemption I am not going to freak out and hang myself, but it's going to take something to get used to. I do not know how often I will write in the post or what it will be I will write about, but I am back.