Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Exclusive!!! The First Trailer Clip Of My New Hamster Disaster Flick!!!

Thanks to my new executive producer Scott “Special” K for getting this exclusive teaser trailer clip of my upcoming hamster disaster movie…

“Charlie had a good life…for a hamster. He had a great job as a big-time sports agent. He had a tall beautiful girlfriend. He was in love. Then his girl friend gets killed at the hands of ruthless North Korean terrorists wearing Mickey Mouse masks. Heart broken, bitter, angry, and jaded, Charlie goes on an HGH, testosterone, and estrogen binge and takes his revenge…on the helpless citizens…of Kansas City….”

“From new director Fox and executive producer Scott “Special” K comes this apocalyptic
epic of a hamster seeking the ultimate revenge for the death of his true love…”

This clip is a scene where Charlie finds out that his girl friend is killed and decides on his rampage. Classic filmaking at it's best. The following teaser trailer was turned down for obvious legal reasons.

And, of course this one...

We are still searching for the right male actor to star in this epic flick along side Charlie. We have looked at several options and we will be posting the casting call sessions. We are still taking suggestions on the male lead and also now the female lead. Keep those suggestions coming.

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