Saturday, June 6, 2009

Denzel's Screen Test

Below is our first screen test for the un-named hamster disaster apocalyptic epic movie. Special K nominated using Denzel Washington as the male lead who takes it upon himself to go after Charlie after he goes on a HGH, testosterone, and estrogen fueled rampage of Kansas City and the Mid-West. We feel that Mr. Washington has the range necessary to fill the role of Charlie's pursuer. The below clip is from Denzel's classic flick "Training Day" as Mr. Washington decided that he was too good to do an in-person screen test. He stated that there is no other reasonable choice for the role besides himself. Little does he know that we have other candidates. We'll let the public decide as whether he really gets the role or not. By the way, the white guy in this scene is some dude named Ethan Hawke and after this film he simply vanished. I believe that he is in a UFO death cult now wearing a Snuggie.

Below is another special clip from the film. It shows the pure destructive power of a hamster who is strung out on HGH and testosterone gel who is heart broken over the death of his girl-friend by the hands North Korean terrorists. Truly powerful shit.

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