Well, here is another exciting update on my favorite over-rated players in baseball. I am in the midst of a horrendous writer's block as I can not come up with anything worth writing about that would require me to use up the remaining brain cells that I have left.
As it stands today, my marriage is spirally into the toilet. And no, it has nothing to do with my post from last weekend. It basically comes down to the fact that we just simply do not like each other anymore. Pure and simple. I can't stand the fact that she holds something that I did six years ago against me and will not let it go (and it was something quite small, not like an affair or killing her cat or something, really). She has held it against me for years and has kept the resentment and continues to punish me for it as many times as possible. I, on the other hand, am horrible to live with for any length of time because I just want to live in a nice bubble most days without emotionally connecting with anyone because I just don't have the mental energy to deal with it. It's a fact. I am better off living by myself. If I lived by myself I can conserve mental energy and when I am able I can connect with anyone for short bursts at a time and when the needle runs to empty I can just go home. I like my bubble. No one else that I live with likes the bubble. Well, this is who I am and I am not apologizing for it. I can only be who I am. It also is difficult to connect with someone else who has turned cold, bitter, and frigid. Trust me. I am not doing this again. I will never get married again. It is not worth the headache.
I watched the first fifteen minutes of the Braves game (before all hell broke loose in my house yesterday afternoon). I watched Tom Glavine pitch like fifteen pitches before being taken out of the game due to pulling a muscle. This is what I expect this year for the Braves. Two of the three top pitchers in the rotation are breaking down. Smoltz is a Hall of Famer for sure and so far is pitching well, but he is one throw away from the glue factory and there is a reason why the Mets (who have much more money to spend than the Braves do) did not sign Glavine for this season. The Braves have the bats to score at least four runs on average a game. They just don't have the pitching in the rotation or in the bullpen to hold teams to four or less runs per game. Today's game is an example...a 5-4 loss to Washington who truly is an awful team.
Oprah Obama and Whitewater Hillary are still battling it out for the Dems nomination in the summer. When will this end? When will the mudslinging stop? When will Bill get caught with a Harlem hooker in his office under the desk...on camera? When will Obama's minister go on a rant on homosexuals, gerbils, hair dye products, and ground coffee...on camera? Wake me up when the nomination is locked up so I can rant against John McCain who clearly is someone who can not be trusted and will likely keep us in Iraq until 2055.
I had to pay more in taxes this year. I made more money apparently. 42 cents for every tax dollar goes to the war. It's true. Look it up. For that amount of money what have we gotten out of it? The biggest price will be paid when the troops come home when one in four (at the very least) will have severe psychological disorders to go along with the myriad of physical issues and there will not be the resources made available to provide the services these men and women will need. A true American tragedy and an absolute travesty and embarrassment.
Now the update...
Barry improved his overall ERA this past week by giving up one earned run in six innings against St. Louis this weekend in yet another loss.
W-L: 0-3 ERA: 4.50 SO: 6
Andruw did us proud this weekend by hanging the collar for the whole weekend at home against San Diego. He went 0 for 9 with four strikeouts. I saw one strikeout last night where he swung two times in a row to a curve ball about five feet wide of the strike zone. He went 1 for 18 for the week.
AVG.: .100 HR: 0 RBI: 1
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