As you all may have guessed that I have been on hiatus. I decided to check myself into rehab due to logging onto ESPN's Tournament Challenge website to check on my twenty brackets every ten minutes. I was checking even on days when there were no games being played. I was on my way to checking the website for weeks and months after the tournament is over. Rehab for internet addiction apparently is a growing industry in Far Eastern countries. South Korea, for example, is the most web advanced country on Earth has rehab facilities for people addicted to the internet. Several of the subtle signs apparently include: having more than two e-mail accounts (I have four), having multiple web-enabled devices (I have two phones that are web-enabled on top of having three computers), and constant text messaging (no, not me, that's my twelve year olds' obsession). It's really too bad that South Korea is so advanced as they are likely to blown up by North Korea at any moment. North Korea, by the way, is virtually and literally dark when it comes to the internet, electricity, food, dogs, and health care. However, they have nukes and a crazy leader with the worst haircut of any leader since Hitler. So I checked into rehab here in the States for checking the tournament websites so often that the tips of my fingers bled and my wife threatened to leave me for a married neighbor.
Speaking of marriage, I read that authorities in Texas have entered the property of a polygamist. I know that the concept of polygamy is based out of a very loose interpretation of religious doctrine, however, what's the point? There is no way on Earth that any husband can make one woman happy let alone three, six, twelve etc. There is no way. Anyone who takes two or more wives simultaneously should be arrested not for polygamy, but for sheer stupidity. Marrying anyone at all for anybody is almost nearly as preposterous of an idea. Marriage is simply a religious/social control/financial/legal contract. That is all it is. This contract is on a piece of paper and requires even more pieces of paper to dissolve (plus half of everything and tons of attorney fees). This contract goes against human nature. Romantic love as it stands is simply a biological impulse that eventually goes away in time. Put more simply, love is a drug, you use it with the person who you "love" for awhile, you become addicted and then you build tolerance and then there is no effect anymore...until you find someone else and start the cycle all over again. When we first "fall in love", which really is your brain's biological clock alarming you of the need to create clones of you, we put our best foot forward. We do all sorts of things that we would never do normally (just like with drugs and alcohol) that are adventurous, impulsive, spontaneous, and exciting. Then as time moves on we all revert back to who we are normally as the tolerance of the "love drug" and it's vessel build towards feeling nothing at all. Sure you may eventually have mutual respect, you may care about the other person, you have deep lasting memories, but the "love" changes into something else entirely. When we move back to who we are normally we fall back to whatever patterns of behavior desirable or undesirable that have gotten us to this point. This happens for both men and women in different ways and at different times, but the end result is still the same. The course of romantic love lasts about a year, maybe two, BUT ONLY when the couple is together. If they are apart and can not be near each other than the unrequited love process begins where there are withdrawal symptoms and cravings (until you find someone else). After the first year or two the excitement and high is over. At that point, it's time to move on. Our biological clock tells us this. Our brains tell us this. However, the church, the law, and society felt the need to put some sort of control over this process by creating concepts of marriage and child custody/support. So as a result, marriage became a contract, a covenant, and a ill-fated attempt to shackle what is a biological drive and process. The question I ask is this: Should people high or drunk get married? No, they are under the influence. Same thing with marriage during that intoxicating one to two year run that most couples have. You are under the influence of your biological cravings and should not enter a contract that somehow gives the impression that it will last. In fact, it does not. The facts are that those intoxicating feelings go away for the "object of you love" and then the resentments and everything else begins. In the end, people in this marriage are not attracted to each other anymore, may not even like each other, and most of the time can not stand being in the same room with them for ten minutes. In the end, the best thing to do (especially if there are no children involved) is to walk away. At some point, you may decide that after the intoxication wears off that you may actually like the person and want to raise a child together, then stay togther...BUT think twice about getting married. The biological clock always has an alarm function.
Lastly, I have watched ESPN for weeks now and I am so insulted by the fact that everyone on the set wears a suit except for Bob Knight. We all knew prior to this point that he is a complete psychopath, but this run over the last few weeks has proven it. Here we are in the Final Four and there he is with Vitale, Bilas, and another talking head all wearing $800 suits made by sweatshop workers in Milan and then there is Knight wearing an ugly ESPN sweater over a red shirt. They do not even match! If I can tell they don't match then it's a terrible outfit. Knight is the worst eyesore I have seen on ESPN since having to look at Vitale's chromedome for the last twenty plus years. Who the hell does he think he is? Everyone on ESPN wears a suit on the set!! I am saddened that ESPN was so desperate to have him as an analyist that they were willing to waive the dress code. What message are we sending here?
P.S. I also read that Russian death cult leader and soon to be ex-President Putin decided to crash the NATO talks in Europe over the weekend. He is very worried that the US will build a missile shield over the European Union as part of the NATO defense treaty. This has been something that President Asterisk has been pushing for years. This also illustrates two things: One, how far behind the times our President is and secondly, how paranoid Russia remains. This whole missile defense idea made more since for Europe back in the 80's. It is an outdated concept for Europe now. The US should really consider using a defense shield over it's allies in Asia where the true threat lies. Rogue and soon-to-be rogue states of Pakistan, North Korea, and India all possess nukes and are led by leaders who are insane or their governments are fragile due to the threat of extremists. Again, another example of our President's strategy to chase after ghosts of the past. Secondly, Russia remains paranoid and Putin illustrated this perfectly by crashing the NATO party without an invite. No one invited him to the dance and there he shows up scared that his girl (Poland) would be stolen away by the big jock (NATO). Russians, by nature and history will always remain extremely fearful of any and all perceived threats. However, a missile defense shield being advertised by President Asterisk is really no threat to Russia. Again, Putin (President *'s mentor) is also chasing ghosts.
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