Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile.

I do not know how long it has been since I have posted anything of any substantive value.

It's been awhile.

Did the Lakers actually win the NBA title with Kobe? (Yes.) Did Michael Jackson really die? (Maybe.) Are the Democrats going to keep the governor's mansion in November in Virginia? (No.)

It's been awhile.

I just finished watching the Falcons play and lose to the Cowboys on the nationally highlighted Fox NFL game. The Falcons proved that they will never win a championship in any of our life times. Most cockroaches will not live through to a Super Bowl championship for the Falcons. What does it matter anyways since we are all going to die in 2012 win the Earth explodes or Michael Jackson returns from the dead in the form of Britany Spear's unborn baby that she will have in 2011? Make amends now, I say.

The debacle of the Falcons rests not on the players. Not really on the coaches. It rests in the hands of upper management. As usual. Upper management continues to drink the water in Atlanta. It's the same water that all of Atlanta's sports teams upper management has done since 1966. That is to basically drink the water and make sure they do everything possible to make personnel moves that will insure that their team will never win a championship. Ever. The Falcons decided in their infinite wisdom to not re-sign three starters on defense from last year. One of which is a Pro Bowler (which kind of means nothing, but it proves my point here). This would have been fine had it not been for the fact that the Falcon's defense was not very good last year and were lucky that they were first in the NFL in offensive rushing, thus protecting the fact they could not stop anyone throwing the ball. Now their defense can't stop anyone who has a real NFL offense (the 49ers and Panthers don't have real offenses-they are CFL caliber at best). Keith Brooking, the Falcon's mainstay linebacker who had played for them for 2000 years was dancing around with glee like a 16 year old girl in his nice white Cowboys uniform as they were laying waste to Atlanta like Ice Cube in a LA pot dispensary. Sad. So the vaunted upper management of the Falcons have done what the Hawks, Thrashers, and Braves have done. Spend just enough money to be competitive, but not enough to actually win anything. The Thrashers made their one play-off appearance a few years ago and got swept in four games and scored (I think) three goals. Then they blew the team up and now are in the bottom third of the Eastern Conference. The Hawks finally won a play-off series last season. Then while every other team ahead of them in the conference loaded up, what did they do? They got Jamal Crawford. Do I need to say any more? And does anyone think that the Garrett Anderson acquisition sent the Braves over the top? Really? I want to know. None of Atlanta sports teams are going anywhere except middle of the pack one step above being mediocre. All because of the water that Atlanta's GM's all seem to be drinking which is as toxic as the make-up that O.J. Simpson has been using in prison.

It's been awhile.


It's hard to say.

Let's just say that I went to Fuck It mode. Everyone has probably had one period of time in their lives where they went into Fuck It mode. It's a mode where you end up not giving a shit about anything that happens to you or anything or anyone around you. You make stupid decisions and as a result you hurt yourself and the ones you love. You are in such a bad space where you have no idea which end is up and you have no clue who the hell you are anymore. For me, I made some crazy reckless decisions. As a result, it was clear that I did not care enough about myself or anyone else to pull out of a downward spiral I apparently was in. That was my Fuck It mode where I had more in common with Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, Mike Tyson, and Steve McNair than I did with Tom Brady, Coach Hoodie, and the baby from the E-Trade commercials. I'm deeply sorry for those I hurt along the way.

It's been awhile.

I am now healthier. I am now wiser (I hope).

To those who stuck with me (and you know who you are)...I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for sticking by me. For those who chose to abandon me I want you to know that there is such a thing as a karma and it can be a bitch (just ask OJ and Mike Tyson).

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