It is late. Very late. Midnight late. My brain is buzzing. I'm coming out of hiatus. I am coming out of hiding. No, not a closet even though everyone who has read this believes that I have some sort of man-crush on Tom Brady. That is another matter all together. I have dealt with the ups and downs of life. I have dealt with having no energy to post anything worth anyone's time in reading it. Matter of fact, all I had to offer was senseless smoking hot messes of ideas that would have likely caused anyone reading it to start wearing Snuggies...during the summer...riding a lawn mower...in Virginia. Dangerous stuff.
So on the day after Tom Brady marked his return to the practice field throwing a football and thousands of cameras clicked, whirled, and drooled away I am finally making my return to this blog. I do not know how it will be. I don't even know if it will make any bit of sense whatsoever. But, I am back. I am better than ever.
No, I'm lying there.
Let's just say that I am back. I am looking for blood. I am looking for subject matter. I want your suggestions. No one is going to escape my return. I am taking revenge. On what I have no clue. I am ready to go after anyone, anywhere, at any time. It does not matter. I have been saving my ranting energy up for this run. I will even go after the Dos Equis guy. Why? Because I am the most interesting man in the world and I have had more awkward moments than anyone and others obviously live vicariously through me.
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