The Potomac Primaries are tomorrow. My twelve year old does not have a cell phone anymore. She was the victim of overindulgent text message use. Do these things have anything in common? Yes, each issue has caused me much frustration in the last two hours. My frustration over the phone has pretty obvious causes. The cause? 2 billion text messages in the last 24 hours. This was the count after the text messaging was blocked. I found out that the text messaging was not actually blocked after all. In reality the package of text messaging was canceled in a manner that I hope befalls the TV show Moonlight (truly the worst TV show that I have seen and forced by my significant other to watch) after the writer's strike ends. However, canceling the package does not actually stop the texting. So 2 billion texts and more charges than the GDP of Romania later I find that texts were still flowing the ether of the internet like Colt 45 being poured on the coffin of a gang leader. I must say that I am having buyers remorse over the purchasing of my child's phone and service plan. I am ready to call in a favor from a "made" family member with "connections" to find a way to do away with the phone and the plans that went with it--at no cost to me, of course. I am also worried that I will have buyers remorse after I go to a falling down elementary school gym/cafeteria tomorrow morning to make my selection in the Virginia primary. I am afraid that whoever I pick will disappointment me in the end to the point that I regret that I ever casted a vote for them in the first place. Each of the four candidates that are my final list are all untrustworthy in their own very special way. Clinton is indeed a Clinton. In other words, does a tiger ever change it's stripes? No. Hillary is preaching from the same choir book as her husband in 1992. She only wants to win the election. She does not appear to me to be genuine. She appears packaged. Packaged like an overly priced NY Strip Steak. She'll do and say anything to win. Obama is young, energetic, passionate and that is exactly what the package is supposed to look like. I am still not clear what the substance behind his talk of change for the future. He is wrapped in a pretty bow made by Oprah. Perfect. McCain has been in Congress too long to be believable. He has alienated his own party (which I think is great, by the way) and somehow out of no where is now the likely GOP nominee. He is the nominee because the rest of the field on his side of the aisle basically is worse than the New York Jets and the Miami Dolphins combined. Huckabee is basically out of his mind. He has no idea what he is talking about and appears so out of touch with reality that it makes Moonlight look realistic. Just to let you know if you don't already know about Moonlight. The show involves a vampire who is loved by a pretty blond who is stereotypically naive and stupid. The writers of that show should have never gone on strike because they are not really writers--they are stoned Goth high school juniors in their basements. OK, back on topic. I am sitting in my kitchen with my daughter's phone in the blender and I don't know who I am going to vote for tomorrow for fear that my candidate will also end up in the blender, too.
Regarding my political picks. I am 3-1 going into tomorrow. Obama is 4-0. He has won 20 out of 31 states. On some counts (again, this is ridiculous how there are different delegate counts for the Democrats as they have "Super Delegates") Obama has a lead. He has more money right now. He has all the momentum. It is hard to pick against him.
On another note, Richard Zednik of the Florida Panthers needed five pints of blood and emergency surgery after being cut in the neck by a teammates skate on the ice. I have two questions. First, why does this not happen more often? Second, will this increase NHL TV ratings if people know that in any minute someone might get their head cut off on the ice?
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